Butternut Squash Soup with Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas

Soup season is here, and I am ALL about it. I swear, every year the second the temperature drops below 60 degrees, all I want is soup. I get it from my mama - she always has a big pot of soup on the stove on cold days. When I was little, she would say “you need some soup to warm your belly,” and let me tell you - I live by that.

This soup might just be my favorite. It’s creamy, it’s seasonal, it screams Fall, and it’s just so delicious. The best part - it makes a huge batch, so you’'ll have lots of leftovers. Fun fact - when I made this, I actually had it for lunch or dinner four days in a row, and my palms and the soles of my feet turned orange! Goes to show how much beta carotene this recipe packs!

See the recipe below. Tell me - what’s your absolute favorite soup?! Let me know in the comments!


Creamy Chicken Soup


Pumpkin Chicken Chili